Source: Wichita Eagle | https://www.kansas.com/
Lily Wu
Age: 38
Position: Former television news reporter
Education: University of Hong Kong, Wichita State
Party: Libertarian
Phone: 316-302-5585
Email: [email protected]
Website: lilywuformayor.com
What is your top priority and what specifically would you do to address it?
Wichitans are dissatisfied with the status quo and the lack of priority on the health and safety of our community. With nearly 100 vacant police officer positions, we must ensure law enforcement, first responders, and city services are fully staffed so they can connect with the community and serve more effectively. As mayor, I’ll bolster public safety recruitment and retention efforts and ensure they have the respect and resources necessary to keep Wichita families safe.
What other issue do you feel strongly about?
Strengthening our economy starts with ensuring we’re supporting our existing small and large businesses, creating a future-ready workforce, and emphasizing high-paying jobs. As mayor, I’ll act as an ambassador for our city cultivating relationships and promoting regional competitiveness that will attract new industry, investment, and people. We’ll get back to the basics of local government, prioritize responsibly, and put Wichita in the best possible position to succeed.
Why should voters consider you the most qualified candidate? What is your overall vision?
I’m the political outsider who will bring a new energy and fresh perspective. It’s time to get back to the basics and put results over politics so we can meet the challenges of tomorrow and improve the lives of every Wichitan. As mayor, I’ll maintain focus on ensuring public safety, strengthening our economy, restoring trust in city hall, and building a united community. I’ll work with anyone who wants to improve our city, bring our community together, find common ground, and make Wichita proud.
Is there a particular city service that you think needs more resources? If so, how would you pay for that?
To make Wichita one of the best cities to start and grow a business, our city must be safe (including filling police vacancies and tackling homelessness). I’ll restore the relationship between the mayor’s office and Wichita Police Department and ensure they have the respect and resources necessary to keep us safe. I’m opposed to tax increases on working families, so we must analyze current spending, prioritize, and identify opportunities for efficiency, partnership, and/or reallocation.
What do you love about Wichita, and why?
My heritage is Chinese, I was born in Guatemala, but I was made in Wichita. I’m grateful for mentors who have invested in helping me realize the American Dream. From an 8-year-old immigrant who only spoke Spanish and Chinese to a 12-year career telling your stories as a local reporter, you’ve helped me grow into a leader, life-long learner, and listener for our community. I love Wichita for what it is, but also what it can be. As a proud Wichitan, I hope to earn your vote on August 1st.